Reaction Roles

Create and maintain interactive Discord messages with ease!

Start now

Extensive Capabilities

Select your favorite color!
Select one of the colors below to spice up your appearance! You can only have one role at a time!







Buttons are the easiest way to get started with Reaction Roles. They enable you to create nearly everything!

Select Menus

For more complex setups you can use Select Menus! These allow up to 25 different options per drop-down.


The original way to create such menus was by using Reactions! We still fully support these as well.

Intuitive Rich Editing

Dynamic Live Preview

With Hydra's easy to use text editor that seamlessly integrates Discord's markdown rules you're getting live dynamic feedback on what formattings or mentions you're using to write your text!

Powerful Configurations

Add a role

Add multiple roles

Add a random role

Send a message

Send a hidden message

Various Unique Actions

Hydra allows you to configure innovative Reaction Roles messages by offering more than just a simple role add action!

Complex Setups Possible

By combining several different actions you're gaining the potential to create highly sophisticated and complex setups for your use case!

Advanced Execution Types

Easy To Get Started

Due to our preset of useful execution types we're simplifying the creation of unique role setups!


Users can toggle (add or remove) their roles.

Only Add

Users can only add roles to themselves.

Only Remove

Users can only remove roles from themselves.


Users can only have at most one role at all times.


Users can only add a role to themselves once.


Get started now and create your first interactive message on your server's dashboard!

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The Perfect Discord Bot

© Hydra Bot 2024 - All rights reserved.

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